Wednesday 4 December 2013

CAD Former Development

This is the design for the base plate of the forming mould.  It will house the outer and inner former, providing a stable fixing for both.  The plate will be either routered out of a single sheet of wood or assembled in layers.

This is the design for the internal former.  This will be a sacrificial former made of polystyrene, wrapped in card.  The card will reduce suction to the concrete therefore freeing the former from the speaker casing.  It will also ensure a uniform and smooth finish.  The former will be made from multiple layers cut to size.

This is one of two formers which will fix together to form the outer former.  Again, the former will be lined with cardboard, as explained above.  The former will be fixed together using bolts.  It will also be housed in the recess in the base plate.  It has been designed to be the exact length of the speaker so the concrete can floated along the top of the former for a smooth finish.

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