Tuesday 3 December 2013

Concrete Speaker

I've chosen a modular design for my speaker. Two cubes sat on top of the other.

The sides will be rounded to avoid the concrete chipping.  This will also soften the lines and form.

I've created a frame at the front.  This modular design is a characteristic of brutalism architecture.

A recess has been formed to house the grille for the speaker.  I'll design this later.  The grill will be 3D printed as it is intricate in design.

The hole in the centre is for the speaker wires to pass through from the lower speaker body.  The inner and outer holes are for the bolts to attach both bodies.


  1. A useful developmental record of your chosen solution - but I know you did a lot of preliminary work to get to this point - I hope you are planning to record that somewhere - sketches, models, early CAD work etc' are all relevant to the journey/process

  2. Noted. I've got lots of development work just need to upload it. Concentrating on the workshop side of things at present. Hope to have the blog up to date in the next couple of days.
